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Teach the Teachers Tennis

To train up primary school PE teachers to attain the necessary know-how to conduct tennis and tennis-related activities during their PE lessons. The ultimate goal is to have the teacher conduct tennis sessions independently and become self-sustainable.

【賽馬會樂動網球計劃】點解一班體育老師會喺工餘時間咁積極學網球?唔通想培育下一個費達拿?睇下佢哋點講啦!賽馬會樂動網球計劃除咗為參與學校提供資源,場地同教練外,更培訓體育老師,以裝備佢哋將網球推廣至學校,令更多學生可以體驗到網球嘅樂趣!想了解更多?即到: Club Tennis Rocks provides free instructional classes to PE teachers of participating schools so they can teach students the basics of the game. Who knows, one of these youngsters might go on to become a future world champion!Visit: #tennisrocks #teachtheteacherstennis #賽馬會樂動網球計劃

Hong Kong Tennis Association 發佈於 2017年7月17日星期一


Sun Chak
Tel:2336 0165
Fax:2338 7749

Funded By:
Equipment support:
Uniform support: