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Play Tennis Mar-Apr 2025 Course Enrollment and Arrangement


Play Tennis is a very important part of the HKCTA Junior Development Programme as it serves to provide an ideal vehicle for the development of foundation tennis skills in young children. Through Play Tennis, the sport itself is introduced to Hong Kong juniors from age three onwards. Other talented juniors around age 9 or above with good potential may also join other programmes such as the Junior Squad, Young Athlete Training Scheme and others.

Play Tennis is an invaluable and enjoyable starting point for children looking to pick up tennis as a regular sports activity.

– Easy and fun
– Suitable for young and old
– Can be arranged almost anywhere

The more success a beginner has attempting to hit the ball back over the net, the more fun it will be. A reasonable technique will improve the beginner’s success rate and thus make the child’s time on the court all the more an enjoyable experience. Using the Play Tennis concept, most beginners can actually start to have successful rallies and actually begin to relish the amazing experience of playing tennis!

With the introduction of the tennis 10s by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), starting from 2013, the training in this programme will be using Red Tennis Balls and Orange Tennis Balls.

Family Class: Kids aged 3 – 5 with 1 parent (Coach ratio: 1:6-7 families)
Red Ball Class: aged 5-7 (Coach ratio: 1:8-10)
Orange Ball Class: aged 7-9 (Coach ratio: 1:8-10)











Timetable (Jan-Feb 2025)


Enrolment Methods

Enrollment for Play Tennis Mar-Apr 2025

Registration time: 19th Feb, 2025,  18:00
Deadline of enrollment: 25th Feb, 2025, 23:59


Online Application  [Click Here]

**Accept online application only

**If you would like to enroll in the 2nd class, please send me an email with Name and Class Code.


Cheque may send to HKCTA Tennis Centre, Kowloon Tsai Park, 13 Inverness Road, Kowloon (Please specify “Play Tennis” on the envelope cover)(Payable to: THE HONG KONG, CHINA TENNIS ASSOCIATION LIMITED)

Enrolment is on a first-come, first-served basis. An extra of HK$100 administration fee and full tuition will be charged for late applications.

No written confirmation will be provided and please check the acceptance list which will be posted 3 working days after the entry deadline which may be updated from time to time.

Enrolment is on a first-come, first-served basis.  An extra HK$100 administration fee will be charged for late applications. 報名以先到先得的方式取錄。 逾期申請將額外收取 HK$100 行政費。

*Please be aware the enrollment date and time**請注意報名日期和時間*


Training will be cancelled once the typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or after a Black Rainstorm Warning signal is announced. If typhoon signal No. 3 or below is hoisted, please contact the coach-in-charge to check the latest training arrangements.

If the coach decides to go ahead with the training on rainy days, parents/guardians are advised to remain at the courts. In case of the weather condition worsening, and the coach being forced to cancel the lesson, the parents/guardians should pick up their kids immediately. HKCTA shall not be responsible for the safety of any child after the coach has cancelled the lesson.

No refund if a lesson is cancelled due to inclement weather conditions. If courts are available, make up classes will be arranged.



Acceptance List(Jan-Feb)

Last updated at



Experience Day

Open to children aged 5-8 free-of-charge!

We are going to use slower balls in different colours (red/orange) and shorter rackets on resized courts according to the tennis 10s programme newly introduced by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) in the programme. Our aim is to help the children to pick up the skills more easily and develop their love for the sport.

Let’s experience the fun of tennis through games!

Enrollment Method

Please fill in the online application form.  Enrolment is on a firstcomefirstserved basis with a limited quota.

The acceptance list will be uploaded to our website on 29 July 2022. The application deadline is on 27 July 2022.

Online Application Form (Click here)


Date: 14 August 2022

Venue: Causeway Bay Sports Ground – Tennis Court

Session 1 : 12nn – 1pm (Full)

Session 2: 1pm – 2pm (Full)

Session 3: 2pm – 3pm (Full)

Play Tennis Experience Day- Acceptance list

Experience Day will be canceled once the typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or after a Red Rainstorm Warning signal is announced. No further announcement will be made.

In case of inclement weather, coaches will remain on courts and make the latest arrangements. Parents can decide on their own if participate or not.

The acceptance list will be uploaded to our website on 21 October.

Participants should be dressed in appropriate sportswear. HKCTA will provide rackets.



Ms. Cynthia Lo
Tel:+852 2794 1793
Fax:+852 2338 7749