To provide an opportunity for intellectually-disabled students/players and individuals with hearing disabilities to participate in tennis. The objective is that through tennis, they can adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle and improve their overall quality of life.
【賽馬會樂動網球計劃 – Special Tennis Rocks】
【賽馬會樂動網球計劃 – Special Tennis Rocks】「世上無難事,只怕有心人」,即使遇到困難,只要願意嘗試,亦可一步步跳出框框!Special Tennis Rocks參加者就憑住自己不斷嘗試,再加上教練嘅愛心同耐性,就算目標對他們不容易,都能夠做得到!一齊去片睇下參加者點樣發掘自己嘅潛能!#SpecialTennisRocks #賽馬會樂動網球計劃 #HKJC #HKTA #網球 #線內是運動 #線外是生命原動力
由 Hong Kong Tennis Association 發佈於 2019年4月16日星期二